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Gallery wall with 2 picture frames

We have gathered lots of inspiration for gallery walls with 2 picture frames. This is to help and inspire you on how you can hang frames on the wall in your room at home. Using our picture frame tool, you can take a picture of your room at home and place picture frames and prints to see what it would look like. If you find something on the page that you like, you can always edit the frame, the gallery wall or the print with the picture frame tool and together with your own picture of your own wall.

Image related to the page author "mywalldecorator"


Gallery wall with picture frames in black in sizes 40x50 with prints "Guitar" and "Sign "Park""
Gallery wall with picture frames in black in sizes 40x50 with prints "Guitar" and "Sign "Park""

Gallery wall with picture frames in black in sizes 40x50 with prints "Guitar" and "Sign "Park""

A gallery wall can contain any number of picture frames in lots of different combinations, and it is only the imagination that sets the limits. There is really no right or wrong way to hang a gallery wall. Some people want clear symmetry in gallery walls, and some think asymmetrical gallery walls that are mounted based on feeling are to be prefered. In the end, it's about finding a style that suits you and that you are happy with. For those of you who need inspiration on how to proceed, we have collected inspiration pictures and some tips on how to make your own gallery wall.


Frames in different colors

To make a picture stand out, you can, for example, combine it with a discreet black or white frame that gives the picture greater focus when viewing the gallery wall. But it can also be nice to match frames with the interior, for example if you have oak in the interior, it can be nice to match with oak frames on the wall. It can also be nice to have black frames if you for example have many black straight lines in your interior, like black legs on a sofa or black wooden chairs in the dining room. In the end however it is always best to go with your very own style and what you are happy with, and rules in interior design are there to be broken.


How to choose prints

Choosing prints for the frames is not easy, but often you get far on your gut feeling. There are however several different ways to go about it. To create a harmonious gallery wall, you can benefit from not having too many different colors or too many eclectic prints, and it can be nice to hold back a bit and try to match a few colors that stand out in combination with more neutral prints. A good approach can be, for example, to choose a single color theme for the gallery wall and perhaps match it with other furniture in the room. For example, if you have turquoise pillows you can have some prints that have primarily turquoise colors.

If you then match these prints with neutral prints with a lot of white in them or completely black and white prints, the result can be very uniform and tie together the style in the room. Another idea is to choose a complementary color to the other furniture and interior, for example to have a complementary orange if you otherwise have a lot of green. A few colors that go well together can create a nice expression in the room. Another approach can be to instead choose a clear theme among prints, for example to focus only on nature and animal pictures together, or just city pictures and art.


Margins and passepartouts

The next step after choosing prints is to possibly add white margins or a passepartout. This can be used to tone down the pictures if they contain a lot of color, but also to frame a picture more clearly. The difference between a white margin and a passepartout is that the white margin is printed around the print during manufacturing, while the passepartout is a piece of cardboard that is placed on top of the print to give it more focus. This can be very useful for creating harmony in the end result.


Inspiration and examples

It is often difficult to build your gallery wall and to be completely satisfied, and many decisions have to be made. It is worth remembering, however, that there are many tips and instructions on how to proceed but in the end it is important that you are happy yourself. If you regret it, it is also easy to change again if you are not completely satisfied and want to replace prints and pictures.

To make this process a little bit easier we have created the picture frame tool that is available on this website. Feel free to use it to test different variants of gallery walls on your wall at home. Below we have also collected several examples of hanging 2 frames in a row that can be used as inspiration, and if you find something you like, you can edit it with our picture frame tool.

